For investigators working on grant submissions, HIP offers a Grant Writing Group. This group operates as a “mock study section” to provide early feedback on grant development.
Investigators submit their grant draft for review and agree to act as a reviewer for two other grants. Two separate grant writing groups are offered for R01s and pilots/career development awards.
Grants at all stages of development are welcome, from a single paragraph describing an idea to a full-length application, and many investigators submit their grant for review several months in a row to receive continual feedback during the grant development process.
Following are examples of grant topics that could be discussed:
- Health services research
- Health outcomes
- Patient-centered outcomes
- Comparative effectiveness
- Dissemination and implementation
- Quality measurement and improvement
- Patient-provider communication
- Health systems redesign
- Clinical informatics
- Clinical decision support
- Value-based care
- Health economic analysis
- Health care decision making
- Patient safety and medical errors
- Medical interventions
- Health behavior change
- Provider behavior change
- Variations in healthcare
- Patient adherence
- Disparities in healthcare delivery
For more information on joining the group, please email
Interested in attending the Grant Writing Group?

If you are interested in participating in a Grant Writing Group meeting, please click Learn more below to contact us for more information.