Dashboard for Emergency Medicine Resident Learning Metrics Toolkit Now Available on HIPxChange

The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education mandates that programs provide residents with at least semi-annual evaluations of their progress and performance in residency. To create these assessments, residency programs convene Clinical Competency Committees: a group of dedicated faculty who synthesize resident data to assess individual resident strengths and weaknesses that are discussed in the semi-annual meetings. During these meetings, residents also generally perform a self-assessment of their own progress and develop Individualized Learning Plans.

Incorporating objective data into these faculty and resident discussions offers educators and learners a new window into specific and actionable areas for improvement within their practice. This approach involves comparing individual resident physicians’ metrics with those of their resident peers as a point of reference. Quantifying residents’ clinical encounters allows all stakeholders to ensure that residents are exposed to a comprehensive range of clinical scenarios as expected in their training.

To foster this process in our department, authors in the UW-Madison BerbeeWalsh Department of Emergency Medicine created the Dashboard for Emergency Medicine Resident Learning Metrics Toolkit which contains a dashboard with individualized resident metrics that is used by education faculty and residents.

View the Toolkit