Theory-based implementation strategies, such as audit and feedback (A&F), can improve the adoption of evidence-based practices. However, few strategies have been developed and tested to meet the needs of specialty clinics. In particular, frontline staff can execute cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk reduction protocols, but A&F strategies to support them are not well examined. The objective of this study from HIP Investigators Dr. Christie Bartels and Dr. Edmond Ramly was to develop and evaluate a theory-based approach to A&F, Interactive and Participatory A&F (IPAF).
IPAF was developed being informed by two complementary theories, self-regulation theory (SRT) and self-determination theory (SDT). Eighteen staff participated in 99 monthly, individual, synchronous (face-to-face or phone) IPAF sessions during the first 6 months of implementation. The findings of this study support feasibility, appropriateness, acceptability, and fidelity of IPAF, and staff adoption and maintenance of target behaviors.
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