HIP Category: Health Equity

Mental Health tool available on Neighborhood Health Partnerships Program Website

The Placing Social Determinants of Health in Context: Mental Health tool is now available on the Neighborhood Health Partnerships Program website! These tools were developed to provide examples of evidence-informed linkages between living conditions and health care quality and outcomes. This tool can be used to help with grant applications, meetings with decision makers and… Read more »

Effect of health system on the association of rurality and level of disadvantage with receipt of diabetic eye screening

Despite landmark clinical studies showing that early detection and treatment can prevent 90% of blindness, receipt of diabetic eye screening remains around 50% among patients in the USA. Screening rates are even lower in underserved communities. In this study, authors including HIP Investigators Dr. Yao Liu and Dr. Meghan Brennan used the WHIO All-Payer Claims… Read more »

Perspectives on a Novel Culturally Tailored Diabetes Self-Management Program for African Americans: A Qualitative Study of Healthcare Professionals and Organizational Leaders

There is an urgent need for culturally tailored diabetes self-management education to improve health outcomes in African Americans, especially given the disproportionate prevalence of diabetes and medication non-adherence. Stakeholder engagement can guide and enrich the development of these interventions by integrating content directly addressing barriers to African Americans’ adherence with existing community-based diabetes self-management education… Read more »

Governance of Clinical AI applications to facilitate safe and equitable deployment in a large health system: Key elements and early successes

One of the key challenges in successful deployment and meaningful adoption of AI in healthcare is health system-level governance of AI applications. Such governance is critical not only for patient safety and accountability by a health system, but to foster clinician trust to improve adoption and facilitate meaningful health outcomes. In this case study from… Read more »

Validation studies of rheumatoid arthritis patient-reported outcome measures in populations at risk for inequity: A systematic review and analysis using the OMERACT summary of measurement properties equity table

Existing patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may be limited in their applicability to populations that are at risk for inequities. In this study, HIP Investigator Dr. Christie Bartels conducted a systematic review to identify and rate evidence in the validation studies for PROMs in populations at risk for inequity. This study highlights… Read more »

Statewide Partnership to Advance Health Equity Launches “Healthy Metric”

Healthy Metric went live today, releasing five new brief reports focused on health disparities in Wisconsin. These first reports provide an initial look at the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on health and health disparities. The first five reports provide an initial look at the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on health and… Read more »

Patient and healthcare team recommended medication adherence strategies for hydroxychloroquine: results of a qualitative study informing intervention development

Patients identified as black and from disadvantaged backgrounds have a twofold higher hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) non-adherence, which contributes to worse lupus outcomes and disparities. Yet, most adherence interventions lack tailored strategies for racially and socioeconomically diverse patients who face unique challenges with HCQ. This study from HIP Investigator Dr. Christie Bartels aimed to examine a broadly… Read more »

Gender Difference in Teaching Evaluation Scores of Pediatric Faculty

The objective of this study including HIP Investigator Dr. Ryan Coller was to evaluate associations between faculty gender and milestone-based teaching assessment scores assigned by residents. They performed a retrospective cohort study of milestone-based clinical teaching assessments of pediatric faculty completed by pediatric residents at a mid-sized residency program from July 2016 to June 2019.… Read more »

Reporting Race and Ethnicity In Research Presented at the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons’ Annual Meeting

Inclusion of minority women in gynecologic research is vital for preventing health care inequities and disparities. This research involving HIP Investigator Dr. Heidi Brown was conducted to determine how frequently race and ethnicity data were reported in oral presentations at the Society for Gynecologic Surgeons (SGS)’s annual meeting. The abstracts and articles associated with SGS… Read more »