Coordinated-Transitional Care Program Featured on VA Website and UW-ICTR “Spotlight on Success”

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ central office in Washington, DC recently released an article discussing the Coordinated Transitional Care (C-TraC) program directed by Dr. Amy Kind.  In addition, the UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research recently featured Dr. Kind and the C-TraC program in the “Spotlight on Success” section of their newsletter. 


Video of David Goldhill Seminar Now Available

The video recording of David Goldhill’s November 6 seminar sponsored by the Health Innovation Program, “Preventing Catastrophe: Reconnecting the Island of Health Care to the Mainland,”  is now available online through the UW School of Medicine and Public Health Video Library. 

Talking about Hypertension in Rheumatoid Arthritis

In research recently presented by Dr. Christie Bartels et al. at the American College of Rheumatology 2013 Annual Meeting, uncontrolled blood pressure was addressed in less than 1 of 3 rheumatology visits even when blood pressure exceeded 160/100 mmHg, despite the fact that patients with rheumatoid arthritis have increased cardiovascular risk.


Team Roles for PAs and NPs

In a recent study by Dr. Christine Everett et al. published in a Health Affairs special issue on redesigning the healthcare workforce, physician assistants (PAs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) caring for patients with diabetes as part of a team with a physician had equivalent or better outcomes than patients cared for by physicians only.


Integrated Primary Care Consulting Psychiatry Toolkit Now Available on HIPxChange

The Access Community Health Centers Integrated Primary Care Consulting Psychiatry Toolkit includes a detailed flow diagram of key communications between primary care physicians, behavioral health consultants, and consulting psychiatrists working together within a clinic. It emphasizes a team approach for addressing patients’ behavioral and mental health needs while supporting and encouraging efficient, whole-person care. The… Read more »


HIP Trainee Sophia Johnson Awarded AHRQ F32 Grant

Congratulations to Sophia Johnson, PharmD, MPH, who has received an AHRQ F32 grant, Predictors, Use & Consequences of Biologics & Other Agents in Older IBD Patients. The proposed research will analyze a cohort of 10,479 Medicare beneficiaries with IBD who are age 65 and above to address the following aims: (1) to examine clinical and… Read more »